Ray Munoz


Ray Munoz, the Chief Executive Officer of Spectra Aerospace & Defense, brings a wealth of technical expertise, visionary leadership, and operational knowledge from over two decades in the aerospace and defense profession. His career has been defined by his adeptness at navigating this complex industry, fostering innovation, and ensuring operational excellence.

His tenure in the United States Navy, serving as a commissioned Operations, Communications, and Ordnance Officer, provided him with a profound insight into the military’s complex mission and requirements. This experience has been invaluable at Spectra, where he plays a crucial role in creating sophisticated technical solutions.

Post-Naval service, Ray’s experience includes significant leadership roles, where he has demonstrated his capabilities in guiding organizations through transformative periods. He has made substantial advancements with organizations such as Safran Data Systems, Ultra Electronics, and L3 Technologies, merging strategic insight with operational excellence to craft solutions that redefine industry standards and drive unparalleled success.

Ray holds a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Houston and a Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from Prairie View A&M University. In addition to his MBA, Ray’s education includes numerous executive leadership programs and continuous proficiency in essential technological tools.

Committed to social responsibility, Ray has served on the Board of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and has been recognized in “Who’s Who in Business.” His leadership at Spectra aims to drive strategic growth, foster innovation, and prioritize customer satisfaction, ensuring the company’s position as a leader in its field.

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