Tony Lopez

Vice President/General Manager, CALCULEX®, Inc.

Tony Lopez is the Vice President/General Manager of CALCULEX®, Inc., part of the Spectra Aerospace & Defense family of companies. He has spent over 17 years in the aerospace and defense industry, primarily in the avionics displays and electronic instrumentation panels segments.

Tony has held executive-level P&L positions in companies such as Symbolic Displays, as GM, Panasonic Avionics, as Manager of IFE Systems and Software, Entertainment Systems Technology, as President, and PairGain Technologies, as Engineering Manager.

Tony has a combined 40 years of experience in aerospace and defense and in various other industries including broadband access, wireless, and semiconductor automatic test equipment industries. He brings a broad range of expertise to Spectra Aerospace & Defense including strategy development and execution; operating company P&L management; business turnarounds; technology and new product development; new business development; operations management; lean methodologies and continuous improvement; and management team building.

Tony’s family emigrated from Spain to Venezuela.  Tony received academic scholarships to schools in Canada and in southern California and he earned a BS in Electronics Engineering from Northrop University, founded by Jack Northrop of Northrop Aviation.


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